Wo­man held for hus­band’s mur­der

Wo­man held for hus­band’s mur­der

Chen­nai: City po­lice ar­rested a wo­man on Tues­day for al­legedly plan­ning and ex­e­cut­ing her hus­band’s mur­der at their Ekkat­tuthan­gal res­i­dence on June 5. Po­lice said the ac­cused, Udaya Lekha, had been lodged in prison. "Lekha said Balan was not re­spect­ing her," the po­lice said in a state­ment. "She said he was black­mail­ing her and threat­en­ing to di­vorce her. This made her de­velop ha­tred for him and she be­gan plan­ning to mur­der him." Lekha wasn’t the first per­son to be ar­rested for Balan’s mur­der. On June 15, the Guindy po­lice ar­rested Prab­hakaran (35), who even con­fessed in court that he was guilty. "Prab­hakaran said he had com­mit­ted the crime as Balan was his en­emy," the state­ment read. "He said he needed money and hence he killed Balan and stole the money."

Chen­nai: City po­lice ar­rested a wo­man on Tues­day for al­legedly plan­ning and ex­e­cut­ing her hus­band’s mur­der at their Ekkat­tuthan­gal res­i­dence on June 5. Po­lice said the ac­cused, Udaya Lekha, had been lodged in prison. "Lekha said Balan was not re­spect­ing her," the po­lice said in a state­ment. "She said he was black­mail­ing her and threat­en­ing to di­vorce her. This made her de­velop ha­tred for him and she be­gan plan­ning to mur­der him." Lekha wasn’t the first per­son to be ar­rested for Balan’s mur­der. On June 15, the Guindy po­lice ar­rested Prab­hakaran (35), who even con­fessed in court that he was guilty. "Prab­hakaran said he had com­mit­ted the crime as Balan was his en­emy," the state­ment read. "He said he needed money and hence he killed Balan and stole the money."

The New Indian Express
29 Jun 2017