Pune: Woman held for husband’s murder | Pune NYOOOZ
Pune: Woman held for husband’s murder
- | Tuesday | 5th June, 2018
Diksha and Malekar decided to execute the murder in the Pasarani ghat section the same day."Malekar and the assailants were in Panchgani on Friday night. After leaving Pune on Saturday afternoon, Diksha kept giving their location to Malekar till they reached the ghat section," Vetal said.After reaching the ghat section Diksha started complaining of motion sickness and sought a halt. A manhunt has been launched for them," Vetal said.Vetal said, "A prima facie probe revealed that Malekar and Diksha were against her marriage to Kamble. Kamble was taken to district hospital in Satara, where he was declared dead. He was murdered by four chopper-wielding men at Pasarani ghat near Mahabaleshwar about 95km from Pune.Diksha’s boyfriend Nikhil Malekar (27), a resident of Chikhali, was arrested from Nigdi earlier on Sunday.
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